Those truffles too are no bad accessaries,
Follow'd by 'petits puits d'amour'—a dish
Of which perhaps the cookery rather varies,
So every one may dress it to his wish,
According to the best of dictionaries,
Which encyclopedize both flesh and fish;
But even sans 'confitures,' it no less true is,
There 's pretty picking in those 'petits puits.'

Don Juan Canto 15

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Simply Deep Fried Asparagus

There is a certain something almost ineffable in the simplest of food preparations upon which nothing could possibly improve. Such is the case with tempura deep fried asparagus. If for some reactionary reason dear reader you do not adhere to this strict dogma, then there is no hope for you. Quick! While you are still ambulatory, march yourself to the nearest institution of mental impairment and have a good long rest.

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